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AutoRun Expert 1.2+crack
26.11.2009, 15:42
скачать AutoRun Expert 1.2+crack

AutoRun Pro - Утилита AutoRun Pro предназначена для разработки интерактивных оболочек, автоматически запускающихся при запуске CD/DVD. C помощью AutoRun Pro можно создавать меню с системой навигации по содержанию диска, всевозможные презентации, мастер установки приложения и многое другое. Дизайн создаваемой оболочки зависит только от вашей фантазии. При создании файла автозапуска можно использовать растровую и векторную графику, звуковое сопровождение, Flash и Java апплеты, html-код и пр.
AutoRun Pro is a powerful visual tool to create professional autorun (autoplay) interfaces and presentations for your CD/DVDs. It is the easiest way to create, edit professional autorun (autoplay) interface and generate autorun files for CD/DVDs in a WYSIWYG environment, just click, point, place and test (preview). So all is visual, fast, simple. AutoRun Pro is easy to learn, with demos and wizards you can get started in just minutes!

Display a professional and beautiful interface or presentation for users to open or execute files, print documents, send e-mail, visit Web sites, browse CDs, play sound, music and so on, when your CD is inserted. It supports PNG, bitmap, icon, JPEG, EMF, WMF, GIF image files, bitmap buttons, and labels. Display GIF (still or animated), AVI, HTML, RTF files on autorun form and support transparent form. Combine AutoRun Expert 1.2, new features: support GIF (still or animated), AVI, HTML and RTF files. AutoRun Pro can automatically run HTML, Movies, PowerPoint, and other documents all with their default viewer or built-in viewer. You can display your entire web site, or include a photo album on your AutoRun form. With the ability to HTML object (built-in Web browser), you can include menus, buttons, Flash, and Java applets on your AutoRun form by including them within HTML. You can use several internal commands within your web page to perform tasks such as launching files, sending E-mails, playing sound and music files, printing files, browsing CDs and closing the autorun. Full screen background and logo image. Agreement settings. You can display a license agreement before any files are launched. The user is required to accept the license in order to continue. If the user does not accept the license, then the AutoRun exits. Security settings. You can protect your CD from being started by unlicensed users by requiring users to submit a User Name and Password or an Authentication Code

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AutoRun Expert 1.2+crack

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